Sunday, March 15, 2009

Have We Taken this Princess Thing Too Far?

The other day at dinner Goose had spilled some drink on her shirt. She does not like to to be wet and she started screaming, as usual. And then I listened to her. She yelled, "Take off my shirt, I command you!" We all turned and looked at her and then kids all burst out laughing.

T-Bone is slowly adding to his Lego Castle collection. I like to see him absorbed in fantasy play. Having our tv (and hence PlayStation) out of commission for a few weeks after Christmas was the best thing ever because it forced him and Cheeseball to play with their toys.

Beulah babysat her cute little cousin at our house the other night. She spent most of the time with him and Goose downstairs in the toy room. Who knows what they were doing but it must have been fun because he was sad to leave.

Janey has handled loosing Boon pretty well. I think it still pains her that I talk of it with such ease.

Cheeseball was in our room at the crack of dawn and said, "It it St. Patrick's day." "No," I mumbled, "that's in two days." "Well," he said, "today's the last day I can make the leprechaun trap for school." "Okay, we'll do it later." I said and then rolled over back to sleep. I guess it's time to get cracking.

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