Sunday, September 16, 2012

Butter Pecan

I love everything about Miss Darcy. She is sweet and gentle and her skin is warm and velvety and her head is fuzzy and soft. Her eyelashes emerge more everyday, and I love it when she coos with me. Her first smile caught me by surprise. I was holding her in my left arm and I was on the phone with a friend, looking over some cub scout paperwork (the friend was my assistant den leader, and she is taking over as Bear leader). We were discussing the art belt loop, when I looked down at my baby. She caught my eye, almost like she was trying to look at me. I lingered on her face for a moment, because that look seemed familiar, and then I saw the corners of her little mouth turn up into a smile, followed by a tiny "gaa." So cute, so easy to be in love with.
Something that I never expected to love is butter pecan ice cream. For Pete's sake, it's the stuff grandpas like. As it so happens, both of my children's grandfathers were recently visiting with us (to see Miss Darcy, of course) and when each accompanied Husband to the grocery store, they both chose butter pecan ice cream to bring home. After they left, I found myself needing a treat. We dished up some bp, and I have been hooked ever since. I must be getting older.

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