Saturday, April 18, 2009

TV, Birthdays, and Why Do We Have Any Pets?

Okay, I'm still reeling from the revelation at the end of last week's 24 episode that Tony the Tiger is indeed an Agent of Evil. We all had our worries about him. . . . The funny thing is, all the TV shows Husband and I enjoy together have these morally amibiguous characters. Are they completely evil . . . or not? When we watched Alias there were always questions about Sloane. In Heroes, there's Angela and Nathan Petrelli and the cheerleader's dad, in Lost there's Ben and Sawyer, In Smallville there was Lionel Luther and now there's Tess Mercer. A strict analysis will usually show that all these charcters are bad guys (Sawyer?), but the writers of the shows like to throw in some twists just to make everyone more interesting and challenge some of the viewers' assumptions. It works for me.
Goose's birthday celebration was great. The kids loved blowing up balloons and decorating with streamers. Even though she's three years old now, her brothers and sisters still treat her as if she's the best thing that ever happened to us. T-Bone was so excited to show her her presents and Cheeseball picked out something special for her and Janey ended up getting her two gifts.
Goose loved everything and had a great day. She received a Jessie doll which is her new favorite thing (Toy Story 2 is her current movie of choice).
The gerbils escaped the night after we returned from AZ. Janey spent around five hours trying to catch them the following day and finally did, enduring a nasty, blood-drawing bite in the process. Beulah and I helped out a bit but in the end, Janey did it herself by closing off the gerbil's path of escape from behind the dryer. She must have been frustrated because when I asked what I should make for dinner, animal-loving Janey quipped, "Gerbil Pot Pie."
Why are we considering getting chicks?

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