Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I've been trying to talk the kids into playing basketball on the little court in our backyard. They all need the exercise and let's face it, most need a lot more experience with handling a ball. So for Family Home Evening, I was pleased that T-Bone chose b-ball for the activity. Beulah refused to participate--she didn't want to be seen playing with her family (and that's probably an okay thing; there were a lot of people out and I'm not sure any of us looked terribly coordinated) but the rest of us were out there. We laughed when Goose carried the ball across the court ("Traveling" the kids all yelled) and then Husband picked her up and let her dunk the ball in the basklet. We cheered when someone scored. It was pretty fun. Until the ball hit Janey's hand the wrong way and her pinky was turned at a funny angle. I called my very kind doctor neighbor and she came out and said it looked dislocated. She tried to pop the joink back into place and Janey cried and cried. When it wouldn't go, my friend said that a tendon could be damaged and we should go to an emergency room. So we went to an urgent care, got an x-ray, and learned the pinky was broken. So now Janey has a splint on. Tomorrow she'll see a sports medicine doctor and maybe get it rewrapped or set. She has earned the distinction of being the first child in our family to break a bone. Way to go!

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