Friday, May 1, 2009

Still have stuff to work on...

My thoughts are muddled today. Janey's hand procedure went well a couple of days. I hated to have her go under sedation and I'm hoping that they can remove the pins from her pinky without having to put her out again. The doctor who performed the "surgery" spoke with me for about 10 seconds--enough to quip that maybe Janey should give up playing ball for cheerleading--and then he was off. I spoke with his PA, Chad, most of the time. He has a much better bedside manner.

I've been picking the heads of the dandilions in our lawn. This year it's an epidemic. We put down the weed and feed but I think we have so many weeds that the treatment won't be sufficient.

I'm feeling twinges of guilt because I keep looking for opportunities to serve and then letting them slip past me. For instance, someone needed a sitter for a baby and a three year old today for five hours and I did not volunteer. I reasoned that I'm already babysitting and that I do laundry on Friday and didn't want to have to babyproof my stairs, but the truth is, it didn't serve my convenience and I didn't want to do it. (Miss Perfect down the street is watching them, btw, and I don't say, "Miss Perfect" disparagingly; she's service-oriented, faithful, positive, and talented--all qualities I need to increase in myself). I really do admire those people who sacrfice their own comforts and desires in order to help others.

As a final note, I would advise all grocery stores to move coughing, sniffling workers away from the bagging areas in this time of heightened sensitivity to swine flu.... :)

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