Saturday, May 30, 2009

Feeling Antsy

Imagine this:
A man of unfathomable wealth has one driving ambition. The only thing he want to do in his life is wipe out ants. If he worked really hard, and he hired lackeys all over the world to work equally hard with him, do you think it's at all possible that he could really make a dent in the overall ant population? Let's imagine them flying to the jungles of South America and Africa, with untold packs of insecticide, cycling across the badlands of South Dakota and tossing ant traps to the left and right. They work in cities, farms, unincorporated areas and islands, too. Could the Anti-Ant Man and his helpers make a difference?

My answer: Not a chance.

I tried working in the yard today with the kids. And as I was ruthlessly trying to attack weeds I kept noticing that my ankles were being bitten by ants. They are all over the place. While I do admire the ant work ethic, I've been on bad terms with the insect ever since they invaded our home in California and we had to have Terminix come and spray over and over again. Goose has had a particular aversion to them ever since a few got on her feet and bit her a couple of summers ago--they are the one creature that she seems to be terrified of. I don't want to spray insecticide next to the food I'm trying to grow. Grrr.

We went to the library today without Husband. Not an easy task. We got a lot of books. I hope it'll be a fun summer full of reading. I finally have These Is My Words to read, I'm so excited. We also have a few books from Beulah's list to read: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, The Alchemist (which I think I better read before she does just in case?), and Life of Pi (which sounds so dull I hope I don't have to read). I've just finished a couple of fun YA books (Hunger Games and the Wanderer and the crown jewel of the English language, Middlemarch. I'm so grateful for the library.

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