Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Orange You Glad She Didn't Choose White?

Not really! Janey managed to convince me to paint her room yesterday, and she choose a color called Orange Juice. It is the exact color of it's name and the frustrating thing is that even after two coats, the laveneder color that had been all the wall previously still peeks out. Yikes! I'm also annoyed that whenever I paint, it looks like a 10 year-old did it all.
Buelah survived Trek. Her face is almost healed from her horrible sunburn. I was happy that her only complaints were the sunburn and mosquito bites (both were signficant!)
I am healing nicely from my fall last week. All in all, the biking is going pretty well. I still dread going up big hills (not because I'm worried of falling, but because I am lazy!) and we've avoided them the past couple of times.
Our weeds have come back with a vengeance but I have one tiny little tomato growing on a plant, so I am thrilled.
The summer is going pretty well. Janey is the only kid who has been busy. T-Bone and I have a date to go to Cub Day Camp next week and I've been having nightmares about it. Seriously.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Going Downhill . . .

. . . is not always a bad thing. Husband and I have been trying to ride our bikes every few days. I am very discouraged about how little body strength I have as I try to pedal uphill. We made it to the parking lot by Timponoagos cave last week but I had to stop three times to catch my breath and rest. I don't especially like when we go down the steep hills, especially when my bike feels even the slightest bit wobbly and there are lots of curves, but when we're close to the bottom and we're safe I can finally relax and enjoy the speed and the jolt of energy from all the endorphins that come from the earlier exertion.

I was very annoyed to learn that Beulah was able to ride as far as I can (she goes with her dad when I don't because we're sharing my bike). I'll just have to work harder.

I have enjoyed the moisture and cool temperatures lately but I'm afraid my basil is gone, gone, gone. I had just planted it figuring that now we're in June, it'll be warm enough, but I was wrong. It's barely standing in my garden, all limp and shrivelly.