Wednesday, October 27, 2010


When Husband went to wake Janey this morning, he saw that Goose was cuddled up next to her in Janey's bed. Not a huge surprise, considering that Goose had a hard time falling asleep last night and was calling out to Husband and me every five minutes or so. Janey went into her room a little after nine and got into bed while her little sister was still awake. Not a good plan if you want ot be left alone! We are lucky that instead of throwing a fit about obnoxious little sisters, Janey simply let Goose in her bed and both got to have a good night sleep. For both the girls' sakes, this better not become a pattern. But sometimes it's nice to know you're not alone out there in the dark.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Some Things I Am Not Good At

We played scrabble with the middle kids today. It was fun, but I'm fairly disappointed with my performance. I always think I should be good at games involving words because I'm certainly not good at games involving strategy, symbols, or numbers! Every once in a while Husband threatens me with a game of chess. I always try to find a way out of it.

Here is a random question: why would an actor of Michael Caine's caliber even consider being in Jaws 4? Seriously. We watched the movie as we finished scrabble and now we're watching it on the sofa as I sit tapping out my blog on the iPad.