Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sir Paul

A few weeks ago I gave Beulah an early birthday present of two tickets to Paul McCartney's concert. She has been a big Beatle's fan for a few years (even going so far as to call one of her online avatars "Beatles Babe"). She agonized over who to invite but in the end she brought me, which, of course, is what I was hoping for.

We got there in plenty of time, despite my stressing about being stuck in traffic. We found our seats at the rear of the stadium (not the very worst seats but most were better than ours) and then we waited. When the fog machines started to blow out electric blue air we screamed and then he came out on stage! It was amazing! He performed a bunch of songs in the beginning that I was not familiar with but over the course of the evening he hit my two favorite Beatles songs--"Let It Be" and "Hey Jude" and many other wonderful songs that people have loved for decades. The coolest part of the night was "Live and Let Die" with the fireworks blazing--I screamed myself hoarse! I loved when he invited the audience to sing along with "Hey Jude" and "Oh Bla De"; there I was, singing along with Paul McCartney! I think my favorite song of the might was, "And I Love Her." "Blackbird" was also perfect. His voice stayed true through all the dozens of songs and his energy was great. He looked so happy to be there and he created such a positive atmosphere for all the people there of all ages. Beulah was thrilled when he gave a tribute to George Harrison (he's her favorite Beatle) and I think she had fun. I have been to many rock concerts--most of them almost 20 years ago. But this might have been the best.

Thanks for taking me, BG. I love you!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Father, Can You Get Your Little Butt in Your Swimming Suit?

What is up with Goose calling me and Husband "Mother" and "Father" lately? She is so funny to talk with right now.
On another note, I felt invincible as I was running down a hill this morning, almost like I could keep running forever. Then as I started running up the opposite hill, I thought that it was a good thing I was close to home. True to form, I am the slowest runner in the world.
Last week T-Bone discovered that the two asparagus crowns we'd planted next to his garden spot had finally sent up something green. It was a wonderful surprise. In the spring, I had bought six asparagus crowns and then planted them and so far the ones that T-Bone spotted are the only ones that have produced.
Cheeseball found a Harry Potter Uno game in mint condition at DI. He has been fun to play with.
Beulah has finally discovered the joy of gardening.
Janey is still the reigning Cheese Queen amongst her friends.
Oh, last week we celebrated the 4th of July on the 3rd and 5th. The family, burgers and fireworks on the 3rd were wonderful and the parade on the 5th was fun. The most incredible thing to me about the weekend was how comfortable the temperatures were. I can't remember the last time I felt a cool breeze on the 4th, but the whole weekend was absolutely beautiful. It has been the prettiest summer since we've been in Utah, with all the spring rain we've had. The mountains still look green.