Friday, September 24, 2010

Things I'm Grateful For

I have been too negative lately, so I need to write about some of the big and small things I'm thankful for.

my wonderful, loving, supportive and wise Husband

my basil plant, alive and well this year in the garden box

my children are all happy to go to school

properly functioning major and minor appliances

good health for me and my family

good books to read

compassion from kind friends

love and support from sisters and sisters-in-law

Cheeseball's choice to get baptized

Cheeseball and T-Bone's wonderful friendship

time with Goose in the morning

Beulah's dedication to excellence in her schoolwork

forgiveness for my mistakes

Janey's enthusiasm for life's experiences

the freedom to enjoy yummy food without guilt

the beautiful world I can see around me

happy memories of fun times

safe and healthy vacations

consulting work from former employers

raspberries growing

knowledge of God and Jesus Christ and an awareness of their love for me

good examples

afternoon naps

generous donations others make to DI

fabulous pregnancies and safe deliveries

listening to my kids play piano

people who teach my children

supportive and wonderful parents

cool mornings

the hope of an even better future

all those people who have prayed for me and my family

I could and should go on but I have piles on laundry that need my attention.

Friday, September 17, 2010

If a Stevedore Knew Petrarch. . . .

So I downloaded an app for my ipad; the NY Times crossword puzzle. I've solved two puzzles so far, needing help about four dozen times. It's amazing to me how many things I have no idea about--sports figures, rivers in Europe, battles that happened 500 years ago. And it's also amazing what you can learn about with Wikipedia in a matter of seconds. It is a little scary how much time I can spend on a puzzle, but then I rationalize that learning something new can't be all that bad.