Friday, June 4, 2010

Dead, Dead, Dead

Well we came home from a very relaxing and enjoyable trip in Phoenix to meat juices seeping out from the refrigerator and spilling onto the floor. Right before our trip, we noticed that our fridge wasn't working. We called the repairman and he checked all the connections and got it working again. But he wasn't convinced that there wasn't some other problem. We put all the frozen food that we could into the garage refrigerator, but it couldn't all fit in. So we left a few things in our kitchen fridge, crossed our fingers, and left for several days.

The rest, as they say, is history.

We have decided that we will pay to repair it again, rather than buy a new one our move in our garage fridge (it has broken shelves in the freezer, so things tend to slide and fall out.)

Also, Beulah's guinea pig Sarah died the day after we returned. Who knows why? Beulah keeps checking the online classifieds to get another one but I am hoping she'll drop the idea.

My kitchen basil, which was pathetic at it's best moment, seems mostly dead. One sad little stalk has four tiny leaves that aren't all shriveled up.

But on a happy note, our flowers are all still alive and blooming (and this after they survived a snow storm!) Our garden areas are overgrown with weeds--I don't think it's ever been worse and I've sprayed Round-Up 3 times this spring, at least--but our tomatoes and peppers are still alive and some other plants are popping up. Let's just hope we can distinguish between the seedlings and the weeds.

The weather in Phoenix was hot, but not too bad. All we did was swim and fish and make one 40 minute trip to the 99 cent store. On the way down, we stopped at Goblin Valley for a couple of hours and saw some amazing sandstone structures.

Yesterday the kids had their piano recital. It was nice; it would have been even better if everyone had practiced their songs in the days before the recital but our being away from the piano made that impossible. I am grateful for the efforts that they all make in practicing. It's nice to have music around.

Now I have to make good on my promise to get a summer membership at the rec center so we can go swimming.