Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Good Teacher is Hard to Find!

Last week I got to meet with some of Beulah's teachers. We talked about how things were going in class and what some of the expectations were. After looking at some of Beulah's work and assignments, I remembered back 22 years to when I was in 9th grade, and I met my favorite teacher of them all, Mr. Harry Steinmetz (pictured to the left). He taught my World History and Geography class and he was my first teacher who seemed to be really demanding, and yet he was so interesting. He assigned us challenging assignments and projects. (I had to write a paper on a Great Topic using the Great Classics, i.e., guys who have been dead for over 300 years. I choose, "The Consequences of Sin: The Loss of Charity and Grace") His tests were unforgivably hard. He treated us with respect, though; he knew we were able to learn and he coddled no one. He also was the speech coach, and while I always underperformed, I enjoyed being on the speech team with him for a couple of years. It's amazing how some teachers are such jewels--so capable of making complicated information accessible and so full of energy to inspire greatness. I don't think Beulah has such a teacher this year, unfortunately, but I understand how rare they are. I had maybe five or six really excellent teachers out of my time in high school.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Thank Hevean for Little Girls

So far so good with my new childcare gig. Goose gets to have two little girls over to play during the day and they get along pretty well--most of the time. They were all feeling musical during lunch time today, and the blond girl sang "I Have a Little Turtle" and the black-haired girl sang, "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." Goose was so excited she couldn't wrap her tongue around any song she already knew so she started singing about her nose. They all have a dancing and tumbling class this afternoon (in our family we call it "Pretty Girl Dancing School").

Oh, and here are three songs I hear on the radio that make me feel like a teenager again!

Magnificent, by U2

No You Girls, by Franz Ferdinand

Farewell to the Fairground, by White Lies

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Conservatives Who Embarrass Me

After hearing about concerned parents who refuse to let their children view President Obama's upcoming address to school-children I have to throw in my two cents.
First of all, I guess it really is up to parents to teach and protect their kids but COME ON! He is the legitimately elected president of the country and while I don't agree with his agenda or priorities I realize that he knows his way around a microphone and can be incredibly inspirational. I appreciate all the comments he has made in the past about working hard in school and turning off the TV. I believe he is politically astute enough to talk to the nation's children and not throw in controversial salvos--he wouldn't want to give his political opponents ammunition. This whole deal is probably a chance for him to reintroduce himself as the positive, can-do guy who got elected. I do think that he is very egocentric (I am skeptical about his motives here) and he is definitely not my favorite president, but let's let him shine where he shines.
If he does try to indoctrinate my children, I will be there to talk to my kids and tell them why and how I disagree.
What bothers me is the knee-jerk reaction some conservatives have; it makes us all look dumb and is identical to the way certain liberals hated everything about George Bush. I don't want to be that way.