Saturday, December 26, 2009

Jellied Rabbit Mold?

We had fantastic Christmas yesterday. Santa brought Goose the skeleton costume that she has been asking for. Beulah gave me an assortment of chocolate. T-Bone got that package of underwear that he was expecting and Janey finally has a good book light. Cheeseball unwrapped the cool spoon/fork combo that we saw when we watched a blacksmith working. Husband made a careful list of all the things I asked for and I got laminating sheets, a complete Messiah CD, an expandable pole for window washing and a battery for my Lolex. But the most awesome thing was a cookbook from our favorite consignment store. The recipes are different and fun and it's filled with pictures of the various steps. Though some recipes I gotta say I'm not going to be trying: Eel Pie, Eggs in Aspic, and Jellied Rabbit Mold...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Let's Be Polite and Call It Kitsch

So we put up the Christmas tree on Monday night. It's our 7 year-old, fiber optic Wal-Mart special and it's covered with homemade wonders and cheap plastic baubles, along with maybe 4 ornaments that cost over $1.00 a piece.
I kept feeling frustrated that I didn't have enough surface area to display the various Christmas decorations that I have, and then I came back from a meeting inspired to put all my Santa Claus stuff (fCheck Spellingrom my Aunt Mary's tole-painted Santa face to our broken Santa in his sleigh with lights) on top of my cupboards. The icing on the cake, though, is the white pillow-filling fluff that we tore up and mounded to look like snow up on the cabinets. The complete look is cheesy and silly, and yes, even tacky, but at least it's different from the same ole, same ole. Janey was happy to help me do it. I have accepted that I will not have an elegant or charming holiday home, but I'm absolutely okay with that.
I love Christmastime!