Thursday, February 17, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

Give Me Patience and Give It Quick!

Goose likes to encourage us to listen to General Conference clips during our lunchtime. Today, we heard President Uchtdorf talk about the virtue of patience (fron April 2010 Priesthood Session). It was an amazing talk and it reminded me that I need to learn to endure with more faith, fortitude, and patience. I just want to get unpleasantness and struggles over and done with but life doesn't work that way. I can't expect instantaneous change from anyone, including myself.
The challenge for me is to not give up when the results aren't immediate. One of the great shames of my life is that I quit piano lessons and now I can't play even the simplest piece without a number of mistakes. Janey is studying flute this year, and she has learned a song that is to be accompanied by the piano. The piano piece is pretty easy--only a couple of flats and only 2-4 notes being played at a time. But I can't play it without making the same dumb mistakes over and over again. It seems like it's impossible for me to learn to do it right. But maybe I just need to be more patient.
It was crazy hair day yesterday.
Also, Cheeseball was trained in "RadKIDS"--basic self-defense training that our PTA provided to all second graders. Mr.Red kept asking Cheeseball to kick him harder....