Saturday, September 27, 2008

I am hesitant to pick the very last of our peaches.
It kind of feels as if I'm saying a long and sad goodbye, like when I used to have to tell Husband good-night back when we were just dating.

I'm drying a few of the ground peaches that I salvaged, and my swan song for the season will be a dozen jars of jam. (I hope!)

The tree was so beautiful this year and loaded with wonderful fruit. Maybe it was the extra cold winter?

We have had a good week. We were encouraged to visit the temple often, and I went about as much as I could. I helped out in Cheeseball and T-Bone's classrooms and I went out with Husband and his parents to make plans for the new office. Plus I processed peaches--jam, "butter," and just plain bottled. I did not, however, mop the floor yet (why bother when I'm just going to be spilling peaches all week?) and my house is a bigger mess than usual. But for the first time in a long while, I feel as if I haven't been wasting my time.

I took a break from politics and talk radio. I've listened to a lot of Dvorak, Debussey, and Berlioz. It's been great!

Now if I could just make smart use of the too many zucchinis we have...

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