Thursday, September 18, 2008

Soccer season is finally over. We attended Janey's last game yesterday. I heard one of her coaches talking about her to someone else. He said, "See that little one? She scored goals in the last four games in a row." I was feeling so proud (or should I say tickeled pink) that it literally seemed like my heart was swelling. She didn't score yesterday, but she tried really hard.

I have now canned 14 jars of peaches! I am hoping to do at least one more batch. This was my first time ever canning anything by myself. What a relief that the jars sealed!

I helped out in T-Bone's class today. He didn't look at me once, but that's okay. It was fun to get to meet some of his classmates.

We're having sloppy joes tonight. The secret ingredient is yesterday morning's cracked wheat (maybe 1 cup to 2+ pounds of ground beef so it's not doing much).

We are hoping that Husband has found the spot for his office. I'm trying not to get too excited in case it doesn't work out.

Oh, I finished Austenland. I enjoyed it quite a bit. She has the phrase "Jane Austen immersion therapy" somewhere in the book and I could have sworn that I was the first to use it. Guess I was wrong....

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