Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Man of the Hour

So yesterday Husband went to work and I began the long process of laundry (over 8 loads!) and putting away Christmas. The children were assembling the different lego/bionicle goodies they received: T-Bone was working hard on a Skeleton Tower, Cheeseball was working on a skeleton carriage, and Janey was working on some wierd undersea creature. Well, it wasn't long until Cheeseball needed a little assistance getting a piece attached. I glanced at the instuctions, looked at the legos, looked back at the instructions and said, "Uh, sorry, no help from me." So he implored his brother to help. T-Bone stopped what he was doing and came over to help him. A little bit later, Janey called, needing some help. Again I looked, shrugged, and said, "Sorry! I can't do this." So she went up to T-Bone and again he helped. I needed the dishwasher emptied and it was T-Bone's turn and he came as soon as I called. The kids spent several hours on their projects and T-Bone continued to be interrupted and asked for help. All the while he was working on this tricky tower and then a bionicle and then a Naboo space craft. He never complained. I guess it's good to be needed.

Goose has taken to speaking with her scary voice. She growls deep in her throat and what comes out is a mixture of Darth Vader and the Exorcist. She is such a little girl and I just can't get used to it.

Janey is trying to get me to sign a set of laws she has created for the better running of our home. They include (but are not limited to): Boon is mayor of Our Town and will be respected. All punished people will be punished by Janey. No popping of balloons." She cracks me up; she loves to draw up contracts. I have refused to sign, by the way.

We played Murder in the Dark as a family last night. In the past we have always done the winking method (and Cheeseball would always keep his eyes closed so he couldn't be killed), but this time we did the hand squeeze way. T-Bone and I both suceeded in killing everyone before we were caught!

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