Friday, January 2, 2009

A New Year

Yesterday Husband decided he wanted to go sledding. It took a little doing to rally the troops but finally everyone was dressed and ready to go. I was planning to stay home with Goose and Beulah, but as I looked around I saw that Goose was getting her boots on and she was talking about going. I realized that I don't have to be a stick in the mud all the time (the note about me that says "I'm a free wheeling mama" is quite tongue in cheek) and that I could actually go and watch her so that we could both participate with the family. We drove around and around and around and finally settled on a hill by a church which had about a dozen people (including little kids) going down a little slope. We have 3 two-person sleds, and I insisted that Goose could go down only with Husband. I also decided that I was too chicken to go down by myself, so I joined up with Janey, and T-Bone and Cheeseball went down together. I can't believe how fast we went as we headed down the hill. I had to close my eyes and pray that I wouldn't die. (And Husband told me later that we were on the "slow" sled.) We all went down several times and Janey and T-Bone both went off the jump (T-Bone had was unfortunately thrown off his sled, but he was okay), I went down once with Rob and Goose, and once with Cheeseball. (I kept telling him I was scared to go down with me being the person who was supposed to be in charge but he assured me we'd be okay.) It was so fun. Goose had a great time. She kept throwing herself down on the sled as if she could just will it to move by being on top of it (she is used to getting her own way, after all).

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